GB 50016-2014 英文版 建筑设计防火规范(2018年版).pdf

GB 50016-2014 英文版 建筑设计防火规范(2018年版).pdf
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GB 50016-2014 英文版 建筑设计防火规范(2018年版).pdf


3 Factorybuildingsand storages

GB/T 28599-2020 化妆品中邻苯二甲酸酯类物质的测定3.1Classificationoffirehazards


Table 3.3.1(continued

3.3.2Unless otherwise required by provisions of this code,the number of storeys an storages shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 3.3.2.


3.3.9Staff dormitorymust be strictlyprohibited in the storages.


building,open flame location or sparking site,railway,road etc. shall be not less than those

ilding,open flame location or sparking site,railway,road etc.shall be not less than th cified in Table3.5.1

ble3.5.1 Class A storage and othel flame location or sparking site,railway,road etc.(m)

Table 3.5.4Fire separation distance between any grain silos and other buildings and between any two grain silo groups(m)

Notes:1Where grain silo, grain squat silo, operation tower, rccciving tower and distribution station are an integral process unit,the fire

el orbentframc structure.

Table 3.6.4Classification of substances with explosion hazard in factory buildings and the minimum pressure reliefratio(m/m*)

Kar,the dust explosion index


3.6.8Thecentralcontrolroomof ClassAand

Pressure relief area of the operation tower and upper connecting corridor in grain silo shall be calculated according to Article 3.6.4 of this code.Explosion prevention measures shall be taken for othergrainstorageswithdustexplosionhazard. 3.6.14Storages or portions thereof with explosion hazard,explosion preventionmeasures should be taken and pressurerelieffacilities shall beprovided according tothe requirements of this section.

Pressure relief area of the operation tower and upper connecting corridor in grain silo shall be calculated according toArticle 3.6.4 of this code.Explosion prevention measures shall be taken for othergrainstorageswithdustexplosionhazard. 3.6.14Storages orportions thereof with explosionhazard,explosion prevention measures should be taken and pressurerelieffacilities shall beprovided according tothe requirements of this section.

3.7Evacuation of factorybuildings

Table 3.7.4Distancefrom any point to the nearest exit in the factory buildings(m)

3.7.5The total clear width of exit stairway,passageway and door in the factory buildings shall be determined by calculationbased on theminimum clearwidthforevacuationper1oo personsnotless than those specified in Table 3.7.5. However, the minimum clear width of exit stairway,passageway anddoorshould notbelessthan1.10Om,1.4Omand0.9Om,respectively.Iftheoccupantloadsarenot equal on each floor,the total clear width of exit stairway shall be determined by calculation floorby floor.The total clear width of stairways on any floor shall be determined by calculation according to maximum occupantloadsofthisfloorand thefloorsabove

Table3.7.5 Minimumclear oassagewayanddoorinthefactorybuilding




f.2.1FireseparationdistancebetweenClassA, B,Cliquidtanks(tankfarm),stacksof liquid barrels and other buildings shall be not less than those specified in Table4.2.1. Table 4.2.1 Fire separation distance between Class A,B,C liquid tanks(tank farm),stacks of Class C liquid barrels and other buildings(m)

The volume of a single tank and the total volume of the tank group shall be not greater thanthosespecified inTable4.2.3. Table 4.2.3Maximum volume of Class A,B and C liquid tanks arranged by group(m)

Table4.2.7 Fire separation distance from Class A,B and C liquid tanks and the pump room and liquid loading and unloading arms(m)

Notes:1 For Class A and B liquid tanks with total volume not greater than 1 ooOm° and Class C liquid tank with total volume not gr than 5 000m°,the fire separation distance may be reduced by 25 % of those specified in this table. 2 The distance from pump room and liquid loading and unloading arms to the outer edge of the fire dike of the storage tank

Table 4.2.9Fire separation distance ,B and C liquid tanks and railwav/road(m


supporting gas tanks(tankfarm)

Table 4.3.3Fire separation distance between the wet oxygen tank and building/storage tank/stackyard(m)

Table 4.3.8(continued)

less than 1 000 inhabitants and 300 households, the fire separation distance shall be determined according to the uirements for other civil buildings of this table


the open flame or sparking site or buildings outside the b

Table 4.4.1(continued)

Notes:1 Fire separation distance shall be determined according to the total volume of the tank farm or the volume of a single tank (whicheveris larger)ofthis table 2 When the volume of a single underground LPG tanks is not greater than Som' and the total volume is not greater than 400m',the fire separation distance may be reduced by 50% based on the requirements specified in this table. 3 The residential area or village and small town refers to those with 1 o00 inhabitants or 300 households and above; when there are less than 1 000 inhabitants and 300 households, the fire separation distance shall be determined according to the requirements for other civil buildings in this table,

es:1Fire separation distance shall be determined according to the total volume of the tank farm or the volume of a single (whicheveris larger)ofthis table 2 When the volume of a single underground LPG tanks is not greater than 50m' and the total volume is not greater 400m',the fire separation distance may be reduced by 50% based on the requirements specified in this table. 3 The residential area or village and small town refers to those with 1 o00 inhabitants or 300 households and above;w there are less than 1 000 inhabitants and 300 households, the fire separation distance shall be determined accordin the requirements for other civil buildings in this table

largeradjacenttank, Where thetotal volume of several storage tanks isgreater than3 oo0m',they shall be arranged bygroupsand should be arranged in single rowin each group.The fire separation distanceof theadjacentstoragetanksbetweengroups shallbenotlessthan20m.

or Class ll cylinder LPG supply

DB3303T 022-2020 机关事务 生活配套服务运营管理规范Idings shall be not less than those specified in Table 4.5.1

Table 4.5.1(continued


5.2General lavout

Table 5.2.2Fire separation distance(m)between civil buildings

HG/T 2273.4-1992 天然气一,二段转化催化剂试验方法5.3.1AThebuilding height of the independent Class I and Class ll aged carefacilities should be not greater than 32m,and shall be not greater than 54m;the independent Class Il aged care facilities shall benotgreaterthan2storeys

